To delete all product related data, use the following query:
1 |
DELETE FROM catalog_product_entity; |
Due to the constraints it will delete all related data from other tables as well.
To delete all product related data, use the following query:
1 |
DELETE FROM catalog_product_entity; |
Due to the constraints it will delete all related data from other tables as well.
To get all products that do not have custom options, simply run the following SQL query:
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SELECT * FROM catalog_product_entity WHERE entity_id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT product_id FROM catalog_product_option); |
To get all products that do have custom options, remove the “NOT” from the above query.
Run the following query:
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SELECT * FROM eav_attribute WHERE ( `attribute_id` LIKE '%stomlayoutupdate%' OR `entity_type_id` LIKE '%stomlayoutupdate%' OR `attribute_code` LIKE '%stomlayoutupdate%' OR `attribute_model` LIKE '%stomlayoutupdate%' OR `backend_model` LIKE '%stomlayoutupdate%' OR `backend_type` LIKE '%stomlayoutupdate%' OR `backend_table` LIKE '%stomlayoutupdate%' OR `frontend_model` LIKE '%stomlayoutupdate%' OR `frontend_input` LIKE '%stomlayoutupdate%' OR `frontend_label` LIKE '%stomlayoutupdate%' OR `frontend_class` LIKE '%stomlayoutupdate%' OR `source_model` LIKE '%stomlayoutupdate%' OR `is_required` LIKE '%stomlayoutupdate%' OR `is_user_defined` LIKE '%stomlayoutupdate%' OR `default_value` LIKE '%stomlayoutupdate%' OR `is_unique` LIKE '%stomlayoutupdate%' OR `note` LIKE '%stomlayoutupdate%' ); |
Remember the attribute_ids from that query and run the following query:
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DELETE FROM eav_attribute WHERE attribute_id IN (attribute_ids from first query); |
The following MySQL query returns the status of every product in the Magento database.
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SELECT cpe.sku, q.product_status FROM catalog_product_entity cpe JOIN (SELECT entity_id AS product_id, value AS product_status FROM catalog_product_entity_int WHERE entity_type_id = (SELECT entity_type_id FROM eav_entity_type WHERE entity_type_code = 'catalog_product') AND attribute_id = (SELECT attribute_id FROM eav_attribute WHERE attribute_code = 'status' AND entity_type_id = (SELECT entity_type_id FROM eav_entity_type WHERE entity_type_code = 'catalog_product'))) q ON cpe.entity_id = q.product_id; |
Status 1: active Status 2: not active
Using the code below you can call a stored procedure directly from Magento.
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$resource = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource'); $readConnection = $resource->getConnection('core_read'); $query = 'CALL stored_procedure()'; $results = $readConnection->exec($query); |
The following MySQL query returns all Magento orders that have at least one item with attribute set id 9.
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/* 9 = attribute set Id */ select increment_id, created_at, entity_id from sales_flat_order where entity_id not in ( SELECT o.entity_id FROM sales_flat_order o LEFT JOIN sales_flat_order_item i ON o.entity_id = i.order_id LEFT JOIN catalog_product_entity p ON i.product_id = p.entity_id WHERE p.attribute_set_id = 9 ) |
The following MySQL query deletes all rows from the Magento compare list table.
1 |
delete from catalog_compare_item; |
Use the following code to get the underlying SQL of a Magento collection:
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$sql = (string)$collection->getSelect(); |
Once saved, upsell products can not be removed again easily. Using the following MySQL script, you can delete Magento upsell products from the database.
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DELETE link.* FROM catalog_product_link AS link LEFT JOIN catalog_product_link_type AS linktype ON (linktype.link_type_id = link.link_type_id) WHERE linktype.code = "up_sell" and product_id = 123; |