If you want to change the default sorting of the ordered items on the order detail page, go ahead and override app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/sales/order/view/items.phtml in your theme and replace
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<?php $_items = $this->getItemsCollection() ?> <?php $i=0;foreach ($_items as $_item):?> <?php if ($_item->getParentItem()) continue; else $i++;?> <tbody class="<?php echo $i%2?'even':'odd' ?>"> <?php echo $this->getItemHtml($_item) ?> <?php echo $this->getItemExtraInfoHtml($_item) ?> </tbody> <?php endforeach; ?> |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 |
<?php $_items = $this->getItemsCollection() ?> <?php $_sortedItems = array(); ?> <?php foreach ($_items as $_item) : ?> <?php $_sortedItems[$_item->getSku()] = $_item;?> <?php endforeach;?> <?php ksort($_sortedItems); // This is where the sorting by SKU takes place ?> <?php $i=0;foreach ($_sortedItems as $_item):?> <?php if ($_item->getParentItem()) continue; else $i++;?> <tbody class="<?php echo $i%2?'even':'odd' ?>"> <?php echo $this->getItemHtml($_item) ?> <?php echo $this->getItemExtraInfoHtml($_item) ?> </tbody> <?php endforeach; ?> |
Done. If you open the detail page of an order…