Pager missing after updating to Magento 2.4.3?

Sometimes after updating to Magento 2.4.3 the pager on the category page goes missing. This happens when you are overwriting templates/product/list.phtml in your theme. Just open that file and replace


This should solve the problem, your pager…

Category page loading extremely slow (Magento 1)

If the category page of your Magento store is loading really slow, the configurable swatches might be the problem. Override /app/code/core/Mage/ConfigurableSwatches/Helper/Mediafallback.php and move

up to before the foreach loop. This will help increasing the speed of your category page…

How to know if you are on the product or category page (Magento 1)

YOu want to know if you are on either the product or category page? The following code might help: